Monday, June 9, 2014

Catching up on the Blog - June Camping

As Part of their Christmas present....we gave Noah and Broden a weekend of Camping at Cran Hill Ranch so they came on our church camp out with us.

Since Frog and Turtle races are big part of this weekend - Nancy scoured the internet to find some great nets...and gave them to the boys for their birthdays.

 Some Assembly Required

Looks like it Worked

You will notice that Noah has gone frog hunting without his frog helmet on....I of course am left holding other kids nets as they all had to try the super nets.

 Look closely and you will see why you need to wear a frog helmet!..
....stylin' dudes!

Then there was Airstream Living....just kick back and relax

We learned a new game..."Trash"  the boys could not get enough...

Then there was a little fishing...and we caught several ...little fish

Noah Cutting crawlers...or fishing line.

We also went shooting...check out the wild game at Cran Hill

 Getting instructions

 Aiming a little high there Noah

A Very determined shooter...with sound effects...(I cant begin to spell them)

Yup...That was a bullseye..a little more umph and it would have stuck all the way in the target.

Noah shot very well too - but he pulled his arrows out so quickly I did not get a picture.

We also practiced on targets with the .22's...there was no need to photograph the targets.

Broden waiting in pit row for "ladies and gentlemen...start your frogs!"

Noah was desperately hoping he would be able to race a turtle - and someone gave him one to race...a wish come true.

Only two entered the competition

 Even though it is a shell game...Noah's Turtle won!

 Seriously...Broden's Frog was so fast he had to run to catch it...Yup - He won!
 On the wagon ride with his new friend Tucker

Hey Kid...what's that up in the sky....made ya look!..(stupid goat tricks)

Of course they slept most of the way home!

catching up on the Blog - May Wedding

Spring came to Michigan about the second week of May - once it got nice - we did not stay inside to blog.  But here we are now in June and thought we should share some photo's of what we are up to.  In May, Michelle's sister Melissa got married to Ryan - so we helped with the wedding and some child care.

Weddings are about learning how to tie the knot
 Elizabeth looks like she needs something

Hey Mom...Got Milk?

 even Judah gets practice tying the knot

between the Wedding and the Reception we took Judah - Broden and Elizabeth to the park.

It was a great day!