Saturday, May 30, 2015

Cottage Life

One fine end of a week - we invited Noah and Broden to celebrate their Birthdays, along with Grandpa's Doug's - at a cottage on Hamlin Lake by Ludington.   We found it online and just gave it a shot!  It was fantastic.

The boathouse on the lakeside of the cottage was built in 1912 for longboats that ran with Model T engines.....The cottage portion behind it was built in 1941

 It has recently been updated...quite nicely
The floors are the original floors sanded and refinished old pine

There is a fire pit  - wood provided
 we brought the forks and the meat!....and marshmallows for smores!

 We rented the row boat to get out for fishing...and to play in while tied to the dock

And a great chance to learn how to row a boat!

 But fishing from the dock was productive as well

And how cool is that there is a stairway to the was still a little too chilly for swimming

 So then we just fished

Or sat in the sun and read.

Or fished.

 Fishing from the Boat was very productive!
That bass was caught while rigged for bluegill....we got 3 of them in that way
Broden lost a big one at the boat!...".It hurt his wrist to reel"

 We prayed for fish...a we got em...

(they did not pose for this picture - it's just the way it came out)

 Here are the stats
48 keepers in the boat - in two days and a half of fishing
97 worms were utilized - only one left over.
And while 50% worm usage is a great return rate...there were several times one worm could catch 3 or 4 fish!....we did not count the ones that got away...they were tricksie!

Even a great cleaning station!

These were some of the last fish caught...Broden caught the great speckled bass!
This picture was in the morning after as the rain storm kept us from cleaning the night before.

All that fishing just tuckers us out...but not too tired. ...The Stories of Homer Price are classics from the 40's - the book was the same one Doug had when he was about 3rd grade - we found this copy on a garage sale.  The doughnut machine is the favorite!  I mean really,  endless doughnuts is any boys sweet dreams.

Sweet Dreams!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

What! We haven't posted since December...!

Okay so we just have not gotten around to posting - but we feel Bett and Loren have a right to see the fun they helped create - by giving us some BlueGreen time at Boyne Mountain the Mother's Day weekend.

 These are the Grandkids and this photo was taken at Classical Conversations (their home school program and tutoring location)  where we attended their final educational presentation.  And since they were standing still in one place we got a great picture!

For Mother's day weekend at Boyne there were swimming pools of fun - and the weather was almost at 90 degrees - so we took advantage of the outdoor pools

Broden impersonating his whale toy

 Bianca sliding in

 Noah getting launched

Judah going diving

 There were many creative times for painting and coloring
 And Reading
 Great Meals

 Like Waffles
The only way to eat a waffle!

Then there is the very happy smoothie girl!  Almost everyone loves the smoothies!

It's Pure Green Goodness!

When we say "Road Trip" These two are the first ones ready to go!
They are sitting on the bench by the door - and no doubt Elizabeth has already turned the knob on the wall heater as she waits!

In Honor of Bett and Loren - we went to America's First Maple Winery near Petoskey MI
Todd and Christie, the proprietors are friends of ours - and we had no idea they were doing this!   That along with Maple syrup and other products!

 Here's To you Bett and Loren..
.(maybe you have been here already)!

The kids seemed to like the Maple Ice cream!

Check them out at Maple Moon Sugary

As you can see - we had a great time hanging out together

Thanks Bett and Loren!!!