Monday, September 26, 2011

Broden's overnighter

Broden came over to spend the night last Thursday..just for the fun of it, as it was "His turn"
It would have been a great opportunity for his mamma's bun to come out of the oven...but we think her timer is not set quite right

We walked down to Oriole Park for some fun on the slides and merry go round

We made cookies and tasted the dough

and we played farm and cars

Monday, September 12, 2011

Say Good Bye to Summer

Noah, Broden and Clayton came over for the last shot of summer on Sept 12.  It was 85 degrees just ahead of the cold front that is predicted to take us down to the 30's
The pool will be closed this week

Noah ready for underwater exploration

Baths should always be this fun!

last Chance to learn how to do that "Canopener"


Kissing the pool goodbye

He almost did it!

Friday, September 9, 2011

A Visit to North Carolina

Labor Day weekend offered us the opportunity to go visit Adam and Sandra and Tahlia.

she is already practicing her cheer leading moves

I don't know about you - but I am ready for dinner...anytime!

We took one sunny afternoon for a few photo ops just after nap time....not sayin who took naps

The Proud mom and dad with Tahlia

Watch this blog in the next week or so for baby news from Clayton and Michelle

Late in the weekend the rain bands from Hurricane Lee made it's way to NC and kept us from being outside.  Adam had wondered how difficult it would be to put a fan in the bathroom - and I said - Not too hard at all - so off to Home Depot for parts and the father son project takes off.  Uh yes it was a tad bit warm working in the attic!

Hey - it worked the first time!