Monday, January 9, 2012

Just a little clowning around

It was Time to rearrange the aquarium!  a thorough gravel cleaning and major water change.  I rearranged the contents a little bit - not much, and it has made a huge difference for the clown loaches.  They have been active all day and into the evening - where before they were under the rocks before dark.  They have even been doing the "loach happy dance"  something I have only see them do occasionally.  There are four in the tank - and they are hard to photograph - but tonight they were hanging out together...must be the full moon.  Of course nothing gets by the Gold Sevrum...he thinks he is a loach!

Playing over and under

A loach on the!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Birthday and Anniversary Party

January 2 was Harv and Megs 64th Anniversary and Megs 85th Birthday

We met together to host a party for this very special occasion.

We missed some family members that were not feeling up to par or could not be there due to the driving they were out of state or something...but the party must go on!

Noah and Broden jammed some awesome tunes on the double organ - there are two keyboards, just right for brothers to share (sort of) - and then a spare one for even more sound!  It even had an accelerator pedal that make it louder!....often!

The honored couple with dessert - Coconut cream pie and apple pie from Russes
We really did have a fine sandwich bar before this - but I did not take any pictures of it...I was eating!

Broden decided to take Great Grandma for a little spin. 
 He begins his training as a CNA just like Grandma Nancy

Keep your feet up...I'm hitting second gear!

Clayton  brought some toys for the kids to play with if they could not find enough to do in a nursing home. 
 This is a tail tag game - so the kids were "chasing tail" in the nursing home chapel!
.....Not unlike some of the residents I suppose

Nancy brought the paper and crayons for the kids to make Birthday Cards

What great grand kids...What great Grandparents!

Pie Panic! - Hurry up!

Ah ...The ladies