Monday, August 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Nancy

On Nancy's Birthday - just before we were setting out to do some "Garage Sale Shopping"  (her choice)  she was surprised by some boys coming over with 3 bouquets of flowers!

It was a happy monumentous occasion...and very surprising!

But Later that day - while we were away ...something else was cooking!

Clayton and Michelle.....

....and a gaggle of kids......

and Bett and Loren... were cooking up some fine baked salmon, and salads and grilled bread and all kinds of stuff.

That when we came home from a wedding  (uh oh yeah - we supposedly had reservations for a dinner drama - and I supposedly forgot the tickets,  so when we came back to get them,  ......
(certainly when you stop home for just a minute you have to use the bathroom)


The Party and celebration was here!

complete with gifts!

And about that garage sale...well Nancy found this nifty little boat, that I had to inflate to see if it had any leaks...and I did leave it out by the pool.  Clayton had great fun remembering when he had one of these when he was about these guys same size....Ahh memories

It was a great surprising fun birthday

Monday, August 6, 2012

Kentucky Mission Trip

 At the end of June I traveled with 10 others from Community CRC in Wyoming for a work trip in Campton Kentucky area - We served four different churches in various work projects and in helping run a VBS.  This photo was taken in the old church pictured below

I could not resist taking this photo the barn and old pickup truck seemed picture perfect and stereotypical...of course I wanted to take the truck home - but that would ruin the picture!

Across from one of our work sites was this old church - It had been built for the community by a mining company about 1915.   It is sadly - no longer in use...but the side door was open so we went in...and used it.
We worshiped and prayed and opened God's word - and an incredible feeling by the Spirit that let us know we were still on Holy Ground....maybe someday it can come back to life for the community