Friday, October 10, 2014

Judah's 3rd Birthday

Grandpa and Grandma decided to take Judah out for his Birthday - so here are a few pics of the fun

We Checked out the Walker Roadhouse - great sirloin burgers and fries!

 We then went on a pumpkin hunt.

 They were not too hard to find.....
Picking out the right one however is a bit of a challenge!

 Then there was a present

 Ahh a Barn with animals

Everyone can play!

Elizabeth and Mara were having a discussion!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Got Snails?

Just about the time I think the snails are done breeding - we have a massive egg laying event.

I took about half the eggs out and still had a great hatch!

These are about a half inch and only a month old

The shredded lettuce leaf has only been in there  about 8 hours