Sunday, December 28, 2014

Trip to Florida

For Christmas we flew to Pensacola to visit Adam and Sandra, Tahlia and Elyza
here is a few pics of our visit....okay more than a few!

Tiger gets a ride!

Elyza gets a cuddle

Coffee with Grandma

Grandpa teaching Tahlia how to peel Shrimp...needless to say we got these from the seafood shop on the pier!   Very Fresh - and awesome!

Elyza opening the Christmas Cards...oh was that yours?!

Grandma Teaching the Craft of Cookie Making...again!

  Sandra checking into E bay world...this is a serious E bay-er....cuz she is selling like crazy!

One Fine day...(the only one with a few hours of sunshine) we got out!  

We headed to al Fresco...a corner restaurant with Four - Thirty foot Airstreams - all selling specialty foods

We then took a walk to the pier

Playtime back home

Hey Elyza what's in the box?

OOOOh...A present!

We had an awesome fun time!

Judah and Broden's Weekend - or How to make cookies!

Judah and Broden Came over Dec 12 and 13 for a fun weekend...
And part of that was making cookies!

First - make some dough

 Put Puzzles Together and play trucks while the dough is chillin'

Roll out the dough and cut the cookies

Play Trains while the cookies bake and cool

Frost and decorate the cookies!

Serve and Eat!

After eating cookies - get into some heavy construction to work it off!

Then make some Big -Ol - Pancakes!   "Yeah Buddy!

 Then Head on down the tracks to a train show...What fun!

Monday, December 1, 2014


Thanksgiving was at our house - so we are Thankful....

 Schnikie.... Snow!

 Prep the Bird

Birdie is done

Apparently The food was so good - we ate it rather than take any other pictures of it - or anyone eating...guess we were hungry!

After dinner Fun

 Play Doh


Learning from a master craftsman

Then some of us played trains


Planning the attack on Black Friday!

Eating Pie and other dessert


Malachi getting second dinner.     Journey getting second dessert...before she ate part of my second pie making it  her 3rd dessert

Everybody Outside playing in the snow

The hallway after 8 of kids play out in the snow...but it was a blessed day and we are Thankfull