Friday, March 11, 2011

The Sandman cometh!

Since all the bedrooms are painted...What's Next is the sun room.  This little room has caused a big mess - We were not particularly fond of the Styrofoam fake beams glued to the ceiling - they came down quite easily in fact almost falling down.  The glue however was a bit tougher.  fortunately that hose on the sander connects to the vacuum!....This is not fun!

I actually had to go into the attic as I found a hidden electrical opening in the center of the ceiling where a light used to be and will hopefully be again.

Things Nancy did not want to hear...."I am taking the sawz-all into the attic" and had to make a bigger opening into the attic of the sun room to find a buried wire. 
 Yup...just cut off and laying in the insulation...fortunately it was not I think I know where to tie it in...but that is another chapter!   Like  - Later!

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