Sunday, August 7, 2016

Florida in Summer - You Bet!

At the end of May and the first week of June we went to Pensacola to Visit Adam and Sandra - Tahlia - Elyza - and Lydia....and finally got the pics off the phone and onto the computer - where I could Blog them.

Here's Lydia

Elyza on her new need to pedal when daddy is pushing!

Reading Club - Florida style

Playground time

Chick fil A...You Bet - gonnagetmesomeofthat!!

Went fishing..caught a puffer - like reeling in a softball.  I caught a flounder too
 - WE ate it!

Whenever we are there we head to Joe Pattie's for seafood - then come home - melt some butter and eat shrimp and other fish....but not the lobster!

Of course we need to go to the beach for some great fun...water temp about 80 degrees



Back at home the girls played dress up with some gifts we brought

   Or just play with the box!

See ya next time!

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