Saturday, May 18, 2013

Work Day at Greenwood

 It was a fine Saturday for a work day at Greenwood.  We had one more pine tree to move and several old bushes to be pulled out with the big  ol diesel truck.   Unfortunately Grandma had three kids and her father to keep out of the way - so we did not get pictures of the bush pullin!

Someone with weight must lean against the tree....but only one charge on the battery operated sawzall did the trick

 We loaded this all up in the truck with the bushes to take advantage of the Park Township free dumping day.   Everyone else had the same idea - we stood in line (about a 1/2 mile long) and after only moving 4 truck lengths in 15 minutes we turned around and came home.

 Broden inspects the stump

 As you can see the day warmed up nicely - so much so that when Judah and Daddy took a nap - Grandma took the boys to the beach - how someone got their pants wet in the lake is a mystery - but he had to work in his underwear the rest of the day...with boots

Noah's last day as a 7 year old - he helped trim some trees too

 With some Birthday money in his pocket from Bett and Loren - Noah found a sweet vintage Schwinn bike with original tires and chrome fenders in someone's front yard

 To top it off we found we had some brownie sundae's that needed to be eaten

Ahh this was a good day!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are making progress at Greenwood; enjoyed the photos of you guys and 'the boys'.
